It's Thanksgiving of 2000 and the presidential election still has not been decided. Ellen insists that her friends and family don't understand how bad the situation really is. But no one — not her loving partner, Danny, nor the passionate Amy, nor the brutally pragmatic and world-weary Judy — can make Ellen see the blind spot at the center of her own politics and emotional life. A funny, passionate, and ultimately searing play that illuminates assumptions that lie at the heart of the American character — and the blind spots that mask us from ourselves.
ELLEN. I don't know, Judy. I don't know. I woke up in that horrible hotel room in Ohio on Wednesday morning and I couldn't - I couldn't turn on the TV. I couldn't bear to hear them say that he had won again. I felt so sick.
JUDY. It's sickening.
ELLEN. My roommate, this woman who'd traveled from Arizona to help get people to the polls, she and I just lay there. Nobody could talk. I don't think I've ever felt people so crushed politically. So many people worked so fucking hard. How did it happen? I mean when you went to the polls, how many people were in line?
JUDY. I didn't vote. (Beat.)
ELLEN. What?
JUDY. I don't vote.
ELLEN. I don't…I can't…How could you not vote in this election? How could you -- help George Bush to get re-elected?
JUDY. I didn't do that.
ELLEN. You didn't vote. I don't understand. I don't know how you, especially -- You're out there seeing first-hand the impact he's having in the world, how could you not have cast a vote against him?
JUDY. I don't vote.
ELLEN. Never?
ELLEN. Okay. You have to say more.
TCG (Acting Edition)